IPHA 2022 Webinar Series – Episode 3 Replay
On behalf of IPHA and the participating companies, thank you to the members that joined us for the third episode of our 2022 webinar series. We saw three more interesting presentations from member companies. If you would like to contact any of our presenters to ask...
2022 IPHA Webinar Series – Episode Three – May 12
Up next in the IPHA 2022 Webinar Series is episode three, to be held on Thursday, May 12, at 10 AM (BST) / 11 AM (CET). After two well received and attended webinars so far, we are looking forward to bringing you three more interesting presentations showcasing...
IPHA 2022 Webinar Series – Episode 2 Replay
On behalf of IPHA and the participating companies, thank you to the members that joined us for the second episode of our 2022 webinar series. The webinar was well received, and we were delighted to see so much engagement with the audience on an interesting and...
2022 IPHA Webinar Series – Episode Two – Sustainability of Hollowcore Flooring – April 28
Pressure on the construction sector to reduce its environmental impact will only increase. Hollowcore producers should be aware of how this could affect competition in their markets and perception of their products. Hollowcore flooring offers a number of advantages...
IPHA 2022 Webinar Series – Episode 1 Replay
On behalf of IPHA and the 3 participating companies, thank you to the members that joined us for the first episode of our 2022 webinar series. The webinar was well received, and we saw some excellent presentations from Echo Precast Engineering, Prensoland and Sika. If...
2022 IPHA Webinar Series – Episode One – March 24
After a highly successful first webinar series last year, we are delighted to announce a whole new series for 2022. Once again, IPHA will be hosting a range of presentations from our member companies, with a focus on innovation and showcasing the latest developments...
IPHA Annual Conference 2022
The rescheduled 26th Annual IPHA Conference, from May 19th to May 22nd 2022, will be held in the historical city of Leuven, 30 km from Brussels. Leuven houses the oldest Catholic University in the world, founded in 1425. Echo Precast Engineering will host the event....
IPHA Hollowcore Production Seminar 2021
IPHA Hollowcore Production Seminar 2021 On October 28 and 29, IPHA members Generale Prefabbricati Spa hosted our 2021 Production Seminar. The event took place in San Salvo, Italy, and represented a unique opportunity for the 52 participants from 26 different companies...
Production Seminar 2021 & Upcoming IPHA Events
Production Seminar in San Salvo, Italy - October 28-29, 2021As anticipated, we are happy to be able to hold the second IPHA Production Seminar later this month at San Salvo - Vasto, Italy, and hosted by Generale Prefabbricati. This event will present an excellent...
Sixth IPHA Webinar – Watch the Replay
On behalf of IPHA and the 3 participating companies, thank you to the members that joined us for the sixth live IPHA webinar. The webinar was well received, and we saw some excellent presentations from Concore, MAX-truder and Solga Diamant. If you would like to...
Sixth IPHA Live Webinar – 7 May 2021
We've lined up a sixth live IPHA webinar for Friday 7th May at 10am (GMT)/11am (CET), and you're invited to attend. Once again, we have some interesting and useful presentations lined up from 3 different IPHA member companies.Data Format for Automated Hollow Core...
Fifth IPHA Webinar – Watch the Replay
On behalf of IPHA and the 3 participating companies, thank you to the members that joined us for the fifth live IPHA webinar. The webinar was well received, and we saw some excellent presentations from Sika, Spiroll and Van Der Blij. If you would like to contact any...
Fifth IPHA Live Webinar – 9 April 2021
We've lined up a fifth live IPHA webinar for Friday 9th April at 10am (GMT)/11am (CET), and you're invited to attend. Once again, we have some interesting and useful presentations lined up from 3 different IPHA member companies.Solutions for Efficient and Sustainable...
Fourth IPHA Webinar – Watch the Replay
On behalf of IPHA and the 3 participating companies, thank you to the members that joined us for the fourth live IPHA webinar. The webinar was well received, and we saw some excellent presentations from Prensoland, Trimble and Combilift. If you would like to contact...
Annual Conference 2021 & Other Events – Update
IPHA Annual Conference 2021 - Update On Friday the 19 February, we held an IPHA Board meeting. Among the subjects discussed, was the COVID-19 pandemic, and how it has influenced our activities. The board agreed that it would be too optimistic and too risky to proceed...
Fourth IPHA Live Webinar – 12 March 2021
We've lined up a fourth live IPHA webinar for Friday 12th March at 10am (GMT)/11am (CET), and you're invited to attend. Once again, we have some interesting and useful presentations lined up from 3 different IPHA member companies.Cross Section on Demand of the Project...
Third IPHA Webinar – Watch the Replay
On behalf of IPHA and the 3 participating companies, thank you to the members that joined us for the third live IPHA webinar. The webinar was well received, and we saw some excellent presentations from Elematic, MBCC-Group and StruSoft. If you would like to contact...
Third IPHA Live Webinar – 12 February 2021
We've lined up a third live IPHA webinar for Friday 12th February at 10am (GMT)/11am (CET), and you're invited to attend. To carry on where we left off with the last webinar, we have some interesting and useful presentations lined up from 3 different IPHA member...
IPHA Annual Conference 2021
The 25th Annual IPHA Conference, from May 27th to May 30th 2021, will be held in the historical city of Leuven, 25 km from Brussels. Leuven houses the oldest Catholic University in the world, founded in 1425. Echo Precast Engineering will host the event. It is the...
Second IPHA Webinar – Watch the Replay
On behalf of IPHA and the 3 participating companies, thank you to the members that joined us for the second live IPHA webinar. The webinar was well received, and we saw some excellent presentations from Nordimpianti System Srl, Precast Software Engineering and Peikko....