We’ve lined up a sixth live IPHA webinar for Friday 7th May at 10am (GMT)/11am (CET), and you’re invited to attend.
Once again, we have some interesting and useful presentations lined up from 3 different IPHA member companies.
Data Format for Automated Hollow Core Machines and Processes | Concore

Joan Tourné, Chairman at Concore, will talk about the need for a universal data format in automated hollowcore machinery, and the next wave of automation possibilities, including saws, aspirators and the placement of lifting devices. He’ll also be discussing how data can change the industry, including through labour savings and increased control over the process, with the next step being real-time feedback from machines into the ERP system.
Introduction to MAX-truder and the Smart Remote Stressing Unit | MAX-truder

Stefan Wittek, Managing Director at MAX-truder, will give a brief overview of the company, established in 2017 to continue German engineering for prestressed concrete machinery and equipment. He will also introduce their first product development – a smart remote stressing unit, which combines precise single-wire stressing of wires or strands with an immediate error-free and clear/unalterable data report.
Diamond Blades in the Prestressed Concrete Industry | Solga Diamant

Rafael Aranda Garcia, COO at Solga Diamant, will talk about how diamond blades are manufactured and the specifications they must have for the prestressed concrete industry. He’ll also be discussing the most common problems that occur during the cutting process, why they happen and how you can solve them.
Free Registration for IPHA Members
Attendance is free for all IPHA members, and you can confirm your registration for the webinar by clicking the button below.
Please feel free to share this internally with colleagues who may be interested but are not registered on the IPHA mailing list.
If you’re unable to attend on the specified time and date, there’s no need to worry, as the webinar will also be recorded and available to view via the IPHA website at a later date.
We hope to see you there!