BIBM Congress 2023 – Amsterdam, Netherlands

BIBM Congress 2023 – Amsterdam
IPHA Dinner
The 24th BIBM (Federation of the European Precast Concrete Industry) Congress took place in the Hotel Okura, Amsterdam, from 27th – 29th of September 2023. As a tradition, IPHA, the International Prestressed Hollowcore Association, holds its formal dinner prior to the BIBM Congress. Arranged exclusively for IPHA members and their partners, it was hosted on Wednesday 27th of September in the Hotel Okura & Restaurant Serre in Amsterdam. This year 41 IPHA members and partners were present for the dinner.
The dinner started with a “welcome-drink” in the 23rd Bar, before continuing in the Restaurant Serre – registered in the Michelin-guide. The dinner was opened by IPHA´s Executive Director, Kjell-Ole Gjestemoen. During the dinner, IPHA President Seamus McKeague also made a speech about the value, friendship and collaboration between BIBM and IPHA.

Thursday morning marked the opening of the 24th BIBM Congress. The theme for this year’s Congress was; “Green | Digital | Resilient | Precast Concrete Solutions”. The congress was opened by Alessio Rimoldi, Secretary General of BIBM, Dr. Ulrich Lotz and Michael Voss, CEOs of the Building Congress Forum.
Seamus McKeague, IPHA President and CEO, Creagh Concrete Products, gave a 10 minute presentation about the positive collaboration between BIBM and IPHA, and the importance that we come together to promote our precast industry in a tough European building market.
Later on Thursday morning Marco Pecetti, IPHA Board Member and Director, Generale Prefabbricati, gave a good and interesting speech around the topic; “Italian precast industry progresses towards new Green Deal sustainability requirements, its strategic impact on manufacturing processes and final products improvements”.
During Thursday, 10 more presentations from various keynote speakers were held. Simultaneously, a number of innovation workshops and exhibitions took place in the main halls.
On Thursday night, it was time for the traditional BIBM Gala Dinner, with around 200 delegates in attendance.
Friday morning continued with 6 more keynote speakers on the main stage. In the session titled “Future Perspectives for Precast”, IPHA´s Executive Director, Kjell-Ole Gjestemoen, was selected as Moderator. One of the themes in that section was; “75% material saving in foundations by using 3D-printing technology – additional business line for Precast Sector?”. This very interesting topic and inspiring speech was conducted by Topi Paananen, IPHA Board Member and CEO of Peikko Group, alongside Fernando De los Rios, CEO of Hyperion Robotics.
The BIBM Congress came to an end with an announcement of the next BIBM President; Mr. Stefan van Buggenhout. IPHA is proud to say that the new BIBM President is also a member of its board, further underlining the positive and close cooperation between the two organizations.

IPHA’s President, Seamus McKeague, gave a speech praising the collaboration between IPHA and BIBM.